The Perfect Peel

21/02/24The Perfect Peel

The Perfect Peel®  is a fabulous and revolutionary medium-depth peel that will transform the skin into looking younger, healthier and clearer in just one week. This can only be applied by medical professionals and needs to settle on the skin for at least 6 hours. It is really important to use SPF meticulously to your skin for the follwoing 6 weeks or longer (preferable).

It penetrates the outer dull, damaged, deficient skin layers to a specific level in the skin. Once that layer is reached, it levels out and the skin cells above lift off. This means you will have shedding of the skin from about day 3 to day 6, some have slight sloughing beyond 8 days. You must not pick or peel off the skin. However, once the old skin sloughs and peels off, fresh, dewy and radiant skin shines through. The changes to your skin are evident at the end of the first week.

However the magic of this peel doesn't end there, in the next 6 weeks as a new skin cycle is made and pushes it's way to the surface of the skin you will notice that your skin feels nourished and repaired.

A fantastic peel that delivers results even after 1 application, however depending on the condition of the skin 2 to 4 peels may be recommended 4 weeks apart. It acts to:

Refine pores

Improve skin hyperpigmentation

Lighten melasma

Reduce photo-ageing and sun damage of the skin

Plump out fine lines and wrinkles

Improve active acne

Improve acne marks

Improve the texture of the skin


The Perfect Peel® blends Glutathione (this is a potent anti-oxidant that reduces inflammatory reactions in the skin), Kojic Acid, TCA, Retinoic Acid, Salicylic Acid, Phenol, L-Ascorbic Acid with minerals and vitamins, resulting in skin that is brighter and tighter.


In preparation for the peel do not shave or wax the area at least 1 week before hand. Do not have a tan or have a hot sunny holiday after your peel. Let your doctor know if you suffer with cold sores as an anti-viral prescription for oral medication may be given either beofrehand or on the day of treatment. To follow The Perfect Peel, you are given an individual home kit to continue to use at home that will enhance your results.


What can go wrong?

Thankfully, in the right hands, complications and adverse reactions are rare. However there are risks of a skin burn. Counterfeit products abound on allibaba and Amazon. Your aesthetic specialist should tell you about the possible complications. If they say there is no chance of complications, leave the clinic. They are either untrustworthy or have poor medical knowledge.

My advice would be, wherever you are in the country choose an aesthetic doctor who is experienced and capable of diagnosis and management of dermatological medical complications. Please make your choice of aesthetic provider based on their medical experience and qualifications and not on who can provide the cheapest treatment. A cheap deal is no comfort when a preventable complication has occurred. Wherever you are in the UK, choose your aesthetic clinic wisely.


Our normal working days are: Tuesdays, Thursdays & Fridays and once a month Mondays. Our doctor led aesthetic clinic is set in the countryside between Wrexham and Chester. 

If you would like to book an appointment with Dr Kenningham, view availability or get the full address please click : 


For more information on The Perfect Peel visit


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